Jay Blanchard <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    on Thursday, March 11, 2004 7:20 AM said:

> Can you all
> please stop top posting? It makes the posts harder to follow. Please
> break the habit right now.

i agree. and for those of you that would like to stop top posting and
you also use outlook, there's a great tool out there called
outlook-quotefix. it automatically reformats an email for bottom
posting. it's very good. it can be found here:
http://home.in.tum.de/~jain/software/outlook-quotefix/. in fact i'm
using it right now.

> I know that some of the regulars have quit
> answering questions because they are annoyed at the basic lack of list
> skills.

hey i think i do that! i also generally skip emails that haven't been


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