On Thursday 11 March 2004 23:43, Robert Cummings wrote:

Here we go again.

> Inline braces or dropped braces? C versus Java? This is a highly
> subjective argument. Go look at the comments on the PHP site... they
> flow in reverse chronological order so you don't need to scroll to the
> bottom. 

Apples & oranges.

> Anyways I always seem the ass when I take the devil's advocate
> position on this, and yes I am familiar with the etiquette guidelines
> that were written some decade or two ago (possibly tweaked since then),
> and quite frankly I don't give a damn when it comes to top posting.

> Obviously there's a large populace that prefer this style. So who are
> you to say you are right? 

How do you know they prefer it? Most probably don't know better and just 
accepted what MS gave them.

> Just because there's some etiquette posted
> somewhere to reference doesn't make it most correct. I could go post a
> similar etiquette document of my own evangelizing top posting. And of
> course let's remember history... just because everyone says the earth is
> flat, doesn't make it so. 

Again, you're not comparing like with like. Some people used to think 
(actually some people still do think) the earth is flat because of the lack 
of research and exploration. I think you'll find that those n/etiquette docs 
are the result of researching and exploring the pros and cons of both 
top-posting and bottom-posting and came to the conclusion that the latter is 
the more useful in a mailing-list.

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
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