On Fri, 2004-04-16 at 10:44, Chris de Vidal wrote:
> Richard Harb said:
> > Could we please close the thread already?
> Sorry; sometimes I learn something new but still see ignorance going on
> around me, so I "get on a mission" to help.  Seems some people are
> determined to stay ignorant and even get upset when someone offers a fresh

Now you're pointing fingers. There are people on this list with far more
PHP competence than you who advocate the use of Smarty. There are also
users on this list just as competent who do not advocate the use of
Smarty. You are obviously the ignoramous around here, since you think
because you learned some questionable skill, that your way is the right
way. There is no right way, there are many ways, and to call someone
ignorant because they've chosen another way is to be ignorant to the
individuality, personal tastes, past experiences, and many other
dimensions that every person on this list has.

> point of view that perhaps would have helped them in the long run.  That's
> always astounded me, but I guess I just need from it and drop it (else my
> arrogance shows itself).

Yes you are quite arrogant (so am I as many will attest).

> I was planning on unsubbing from this list anywho; getting distracted from
> work too much.

Because you're arguments are flawed and so you can't find the necessary
foundation for further argument when they are challenged. Please tell us
all what skillset you possess to call so many people ignorant?

> >From my side, this thread is closed.  I'll avoid replying to this thread
> any longer, unless offlist.

This thread or the smarty thread? Interesting that you opened up a WHOLE
new thread.

Obviously, BTW, I advocate the use of templates, but this message has
not been about templates, so let's not bring that into the discussion.

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