Disregard my incompetence... Chapter 4 does mention it on subsequent pages.

Ben Ramsey wrote:
That's pretty interesting there, and I'll definitely have to try it out. However, Chapter 4 mentions nothing about being able to set runtime values in an .htaccess file... unless I missed something:


Richard Davey wrote:

Hello Ben,

Monday, June 7, 2004, 6:15:11 PM, you wrote:

JN>> ini_get() will return the current value for the ini_setting...
JN>> doesn't matter if it's from the php.ini, ini_set() or a
JN>> .htaccess file.

BR> All right. Clue me in here. How can an .htaccess file set/modify the
BR> values of php.ini? I wasn't aware that you could do that.

See Chapter 4 of the PHP Manual - specifically Runtime Configuration
for all the details, but basically you do:

php_value name value
php_flag name on|off
php_admin_value name value
php_admin_flag name on|off

In your htaccess file. Note this only works if PHP is an Apache

Best regards,

Richard Davey

-- Regards, Ben Ramsey http://benramsey.com

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