thank you very much.

Richard Davey wrote:


Monday, June 7, 2004, 5:49:30 PM, you wrote:

DG>> Does anyone know if ini_get returns the values BEFORE or AFTER the
DG>> .htaccess modifies them? i.e., does it return the server or local
DG>> version?

BR> Perhaps you're misunderstanding what ini_get() does?  ini_get() only
BR> retrieves values from the php.ini file.  I don't think you can modify
BR> those values from an .htaccess file.

You can modify any PHP_PERDIR/ALL value from an .htaccess file.

In answer to the original question: if you use an htaccess file to
modify a PHP value, ini_get will use the LOCAL version of that value
(as opposed to the master version). So yes, anything changed via
htaccess would be reflected via ini_get.

Best regards,

Richard Davey

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