> -----Original Message-----
> ... Is there a better way to do this ... I was hoping to not have to pass
> variables between each page by including them
> in the URL.

How come?  It sounds like you're going to end up adding a lot of complexity
to the app if you're just trying to hide a specific company's ID.  Usually,
if I understand what you're trying to do, I just create a page with
companies and open each company in a new window when you click on it's name
in the list.  That way you have everything specific to that company in it's
own window and you don't have to worry about trying to tell which window is
which.  There are times where I'll branch windows further and end up needing
to communicate to back and forth, but then I just use Javascript on the
client-side using the window.opener objects.

Hope that helps =)


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