See inline:
--- "Chris W. Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Stuart Felenstein <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     on Monday, November 15, 2004 1:10 AM said:
> > The way I was approaching this was to grab the
> url,
> > the part after the ? , so not the referer.
> This sounds like you're not familiar with the $_GET
> array. $_GET is
> everything after the ? in the url but as an array.

It sounds like you answered before you either read or
understood.  I was talking about 


> This sounds like you're not familiar with the $_POST
> array. $_POST is
> everything that *would be* after the ? in the url
> but as an array.

In $_POST there is nothing in the URL , there is no ?.

> > I'm wondering at this point if I should
> > create a way to let users save their search
> > parameters, by grabbing the variables and storing
> them
> > as an array in the database or go back to the URL
> > method.
> I don't see how these two things are similar.
> <shrugs>

They are not similar but will accomplish the same

> If you want to store your array in a db use
> serialize() and
> unserialize(). In any case I would just store the
> search criteria in a
> cookie and leave the db out of it.

A ccokie wouldn't help me one bit in this situation.  


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