
At my last job there were several companies that would send us text invoices
by email. These email accounts were on a Linux box, and when the mail would
come in the message was sent to scripts via STDIN. I'm not sure HOW it was
done but I know that it CAN be done.

I would be concerned about security in this case. The From: header can be
spoofed, as can any other header, so before you do this make sure you have
some kind of authentication scheme. Wouldn't want some lamer finding the
email address and spamming it with v14gr4 email.


> Hy guys I'd like to know if there is a way to update a site through
> sending an email. Something like this, you send an email and the body
> of the email substitutes a text you use in your site. Igreat apreciate
> any help since I couldn't find anything on this topic.

> Thanks,
> doRodrigo

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