On 9/28/06, Martin Marques <martin@bugs.unl.edu.ar> wrote:
yOn Thu, 28 Sep 2006, Curt Zirzow wrote:

> On 9/28/06, Martin Marques <martin@bugs.unl.edu.ar> wrote:
>> I'm trying helplessly to get session.use_trans_sid to true in one
>> directory that needs it. So I put this in an .htaccess file:
>> php_value session.use_trans_sid 1
>> The thing is, it didn't work. I also tried changing 1 to On with no luck
>> at all.
> Is .htaccess enabled at all?  by default apache doesn't have it
> enabled in most installations.

OK, just found this in my VirtualHost file:

AllowOverride None

> If you can, set this on a per directory setting in your virtualhost
> setting within a <Directory> or <Location>, instead of turning on
> .htaccess.

As I have to modify it anyway, maybe I'll just put it in the virtualhost
configuration file.

Yeah, it is wise to do that, enabling .htaccess is not the best of ideas.

Just for a brief reason why.. condsider a page request of:

apache has to check recursivly down the path to / for .htaccess before
the request can be handled; that is a lot of overhead in my opinion
and is a key point as why it is disabled by default.


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