Hi all,

I'm new in the php world and I have a problem. I want to invoke a php scr=
ipt from a web page hosted on an Apache server. The php script writes and=
deletes a file but, to be able to do that, I have to make the user to be=
myself and not the Apache server. In order to do that below is the code =
I use in the html to invoke the php script:

<form action=3D"http://www.aa.dd.cc/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/user/script.php"; meth=
value1 *: <input type=3D"text" name=3D"val1"><br>
value2 *: <input type=3D"text" name =3D "val2"><br>

where script.php is placed inside ~/user/public_html/cgi-bin

The problem is that when the script is launched, as soon as the html in v=
isited, I get this error:

PHP Notice: Undefined index: val1 in /net/people/user/public_html/cgi-b=
in/script.php on line 14
PHP Notice: Undefined index: val2 in /net/people/user/public_html/cgi-b=
in/script.php on line 16

In other words, the POST issued inside the html seems not to work because=
the values val1 and val2 are not found.

If instead I do the following in the html code:

<form action=3D"script.php" method=3D"post">
value1 *: <input type=3D"text" name=3D"val1"><br>
value2 *: <input type=3D"text" name =3D "val2"><br>

having placed script.php in the same directory where the html is, the POS=
T succeeds but of course the script is not able to delete the file it is =
supposed to work on because the owner becomes the apache server.

I need the first method (script.php inside cgi-bin) to work.
Does anybody know the way to solve the problem?
Any help will be appreciated,

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