On 3/14/07, Rahul Sitaram Johari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I recently configured & Installed PHP on my Windows Vista PC, running Apache
2.2 Web Server. MySQL 5 was also installed.

Apache is running fine ­ mySQL is running fine ­ PHP is running fine.
The problem is, I¹m getting this error when I try to run a PHP page which
needs to connect to the mySQL Server:

'cannot load mysql extension, please check PHP Configuration'.

I¹ve installed PHP on XP computers hundreds of times, so I¹m not exactly a
newbie to this, but I¹m not sure if it¹s Vista causing the problem or I¹m
doing something wrong.

In my PHP.INI, I have the modules/extensions directory set to ³C:\php\ext²
which contains all my modules (including the mySQL DLL and others). I also
uncommented the mySQL Extension load from the PHP.INI file. I just can¹t
figure out what the problem is.

Do I need to copy the DLL files somewhere else in the system to make this
work? Anyone else has this problem?


First of all i would NOT recommend for using Vista as a server, but of
course that's your own choice. I think the problem you are facing has
to do something with administrator rights, but i'm not sure..
In Vista a lot of security has been added, and so a non priviliged
user cannot do a lot of things. Apache/Mysql are running from
unprivilged user i think, and they probabky have problems accessing
files due to the new security in vista.
I don't know a lot of Apache/PHP/MySQL on Windows, as i'm using a
Linux server. But you could, for testing only, run PHP/Apache from the
administrator account.
I believe the DLL is in the right place, i don't see why you should move it.


Rahul Sitaram Johari
CEO, Twenty Four Seventy Nine Inc.

W: http://www.rahulsjohari.com

³I morti non sono piu soli ... The dead are no longer lonely²

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