On Tue, 2007-06-12 at 16:02 -0500, Richard Lynch wrote:
> I'm not sure we need yet another archive of the list, though I suppose
> having it on a blog with the RSS and whatnot all built-in is kinda
> nifty, possibly, for some users somewhere.

Our interns and students specifically. They are all dead scared of
joining mailing lists in general, and find that using a web based
prettier interface is much easier and friendlier. They will also now be
able to at least read what is going on through the RSS feeds etc as well
as have an easily searchable archive of various lists (Planning on
"aggregating" a bunch of lists including PHP, PEAR, (which we use in our
daily work building Chisimba and the Chisimba Framework) as well as some
decent linux users groups etc.

> I got no idea why some emails appear and others don't.  Sorry.
I am pretty sure that it is only people that have a "reply-to" address
specified in their mail client. Not to worry though, I will have a regex
smashed out in no time to strip out the RFC formatted email addresses...

> Hopefully comparing email headers to output will clarify that.

Not sure what you mean there, but, rest assured, I will have it fixed up
in no time.

BTW, could I get your opinions on the blog software itself? This is
running a CVS checkout of the Chisimba framework with the blog module

(Oh and I will get to the W3C compliance ASAP as well - I was leaving it
until I had put in all of the features so as to fix it once...)


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