also sprach Ryan Christensen (on Wed, 16 May 2001 06:47:08PM -0700):
> No.. as I said in my original post, this is on Linux.. so I was actually
> wondering how it would be a risk in Linux.. not win..

sorry, i haven't really followed the thread.
well, *iff* your system is properly configured *and* you take good
care of it, then uptime is not an indication of vulnerability.
however, it may well be an indication of how old your kernel is.

if all you want to do is show that your server is stable, then go
ahead and state it's running on linux. seriously, i don't think you
need to prove it. in fact, it seems kind of silly to do so - it's
commonly known and eventually, even the biggest dorks will get tired
of service pack 7b service release 2 patch level 3 second attempt.
excuse me, but the entire windoze 2000/xp joke is about the dumbest
thing that anyone could have ever done to the community. it's
ridiculous in fact.

however, i have something against those users that try hard for the
sake of whatever to have large uptimes. if a new kernel comes out, you
give it two weeks to find out about bugs, and if it's good, you slam
it on. my machines never have uptimes longer than a month, but that's
because i willingly take them down because i care for them. i have
never experienced any of my *BSD or Linux machines crash. sure, i have
done the equivalent of deleting the registry (rm -rf /etc) or have
accidentally disconnected running harddrives, but all UNIX would tell
me is to *please* fix it *while* continuing to run and service users
as usual.

don't compete for high uptimes. take care of your systems and keep
them current. and if you are running windoze in a serious environment,
the ask yourself why the output field in uptime.exe is only 8 bits in
size :->. i found this out as part of a trace debug when someone
pointed this out on bugtraq i think and i didn't believe it.

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
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