> > Ex's are the experience you need to get it to work.
> >
> > I've always said that everyone should go through at least one divorce
> > before getting married.
> Marriage?? That's for backwards people stuck in ancient pointless
> traditions >:) And moreso in today's culture... it's just a commercial
> suckfest when your money could better go to student loans and raising a
> family.

Possibly. Or as I prefer to see it, it's the one time in your life when you
surround yourself with all your friends and family to celebrate your

> I've been happily living in sin with my common-law wife for 9 years.
> Besides, isn't marriage primarily a religious thing?

Not necessarily. My wife and I have no religion so had a civil ceremony -
held in the Assembly Rooms, Bath which was an 18th Century gambling venue ;)

> In the old
> testament marriage was often implied by the simple act of laying with a
> woman... or two... or three... Polygamy, how did that fall out of
> religious favour? :)

Not in the UK. In UK law there is no such thing as a common-law
wife/husband. If you're unmarried, you have as many rights to the other
person as the day you first met - practically none.

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