On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 10:28 -0600, Ray Hauge wrote:
> Robert Cummings wrote:
> > On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 10:38 -0500, tedd wrote:
> >> At 4:27 PM +0100 2/26/08, Jochem Maas wrote:
> >>> tedd schreef:
> >>>> Now you sound like my wife.  :-)
> >>> for your sake I hope I don't look like her :-P
> >> No, I have an absolutely beautiful wife -- no complaints in that 
> >> department.
> >>
> >>> that said I'd hazard a guess and say you listen to what she says ... my ex
> >>> used to say the same thing.
> >> Ex's are the experience you need to get it to work.
> >>
> >> I've always said that everyone should go through at least one divorce 
> >> before getting married.
> > 
> > Marriage?? That's for backwards people stuck in ancient pointless
> > traditions >:) And moreso in today's culture... it's just a commercial
> > suckfest when your money could better go to student loans and raising a
> > family.
> > 
> > I've been happily living in sin with my common-law wife for 9 years.
> > Besides, isn't marriage primarily a religious thing? In the old
> > testament marriage was often implied by the simple act of laying with a
> > woman... or two... or three... Polygamy, how did that fall out of
> > religious favour? :)
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Rob.
> I know it was a rhetorical question, but I was curious.
> A lot of the modern standards started when St. Augustine started 
> teaching that the fall of Adam and Eve was the "original sin" which was 
> sex.  Somehow that took hold and then sex became a "bad thing" and to be 
> the most holy of holy you should be celibate.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augustine_of_Hippo
> As far as the history of monogamy goes, I had to look this one up.  It 
> also seems to stem from the teachings of St. Augustine (late AD 300s). 
> Martin Luther eventually allowed polygamy after coming to the conclusion 
> that there was no scriptural evidence that polygamy was wrong. 
> Obviously that's no longer in effect though.  It has also been allowed 
> after certain wars to beef up the population again.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygamy#Christianity
> I typically don't use wikipedia for sole sources, but everything else I 
> could find was some religious site that was very biased.


So... using this system, a world where everyone is as holy as can be
would be a world devoid of humans (gotta have sex to reproduce). I don't
think St. Augustine was thinking it through :)

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