On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 3:42 PM, Matty Sarro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I understand and agree completely, and I really appreciate the help. My goal
> isn't so much to keep from re-writing code, but to have a pretty firm
> foundation to stand on before I really begin. I mean, with c++ or c, all I
> needed was the language, and that was pretty much it. I could do everything
> from there. This seems a lot more like its a marriage of a ton of different
> technologies :)

    It is.  And in my opinion, web developers - specifically
PHP-on-*nix developers - are cream-of-the-crop programmers.  Not to
toot my own horn.

    We know - and are not afraid to use - the following technologies,
and employ them on a daily basis:
        * PHP (and usually at least a working knowledge of C/C++ and
some others)
        * HTML
        * JavaScript
        * AJAX
        * Web design
        * Human Interface/Graphical User Interface (GUI) layout and design
        * SQL (specifically MySQL, but many also know PostgreSQL,
INNODB, Sybase, etc.)
        * *nix architecture and path structure (usually many flavors:
RHEL, Debian, BSD, Sun, Mac....)
        * Shell scripting (BASh, tcl, Expect, AppleScript, Korn, and so forth)
        * HTTP (at least the fundamentals)
        * Code portability and platform-independence techniques
        * Socket programming
        * Code optimization
        * Source compilation and module installation
        * Server administration
        * A variety of control panels (cPanel, Plesk, Helm, Webmin,
blah, blah, blah)
        * Security (SSL, encryption, obfuscation, et cetera)
        * DNS (at least the fundamentals)
        * API programming and creation
        * Interfacing with a variety of external technologies (mail,
databases, filesystems, etc.)
        * QA and bugtracking
        * Non-RAD, non-IDE development
        * Command line programming
        * .... and more....
        * .... and that's ON TOP of what we all know how to do on Windows.

    So let this be at least a basic retort to those who don't consider
web development "real programming."  Because you'd be surprised how
much I hear, "oh, you work with web stuff, I thought you meant you
were a real programmer."

    Well, I'm not.  I'm an engineer.  At least according to my paycheck.  ;-P


Daniel P. Brown
Senior Unix Geek
<? while(1) { $me = $mind--; sleep(86400); } ?>

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