On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 9:01 AM, Tony Marston
> If you don't use a framework then obviously you are writing nothing but
>  mickey mouse programs, and wouldn't stand a chance when it comes to writing
>  a proper application. For example, I have just completed an ERP application
>  which contains 130 database tables, 230 relationships and 1000 transactions.
>  Because I used a proper framework I managed to complete all of this in just
>  6 months. The framework allowed me to generate initial working components
>  without having to write any code whatsoever - no PHP, no HTML and no SQL -
>  so that I could spend the bulk of my time on the really important stuff,
>  which is implementing the business rules. That is the benefit of a proper
>  framework - it takes care of the boring repetitive stuff and leaves you more
>  time to deal with the tricky stuff. If you think you can achieve the same
>  level of productivity WITHOUT a framework then you are living in cloud
>  cuckoo land.

Yea, what he said!  Now to add my nonsense into the mix...

I don't actually use a full stack framework.  What I've done is taken
the "best parts" of various frameworks and made my own frankenstein
that works along the way I think.  I'm not saying I'm right, but I've
given up trying to go against myself a long time ago.  So I take
components/ideas from Zend Framework, stubbles, Solar, and anything
else that has good ideas.  I've also built up a pretty nice library of
code for my day to day stuff too.

I've been doing web programming for many years now and most things
usually work along the same guidelines.  So finding out those common
patterns and building little modular classes around them has saved me
a lot of time.  A lot of my little components aren't really
framework-esque though.  They serve a very specific purpose such as
easily implementing a modified pre-order tree traversal, image
manipulation, or file uploading.  But to reliably do any of that you
need a good consistent component base so that you know your database
will adhere to these specific interfaces so that you can swap
different peices in and out without breaking stuff.

Knowing that I can stitch together a table gateway that will add,
edit, remove records and be able to handle any type of file upload
while adding in extra image manipulations without actually writing
real code is huge in my book.

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