There is no need to go that far, try to google a bit about swfupload.

In short, this is a flash & javascript component that give's you the ability
to maintain the upload, get the current speed, get the current amount of
uploaded data, etc. It is very simple and works like a charm on a dedi
server. There are some issues on shared server sometimes, but even these
things are not that much complicated and can be easily solved.


On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 4:09 PM, tedd <> wrote:

> At 2:20 PM +0400 3/1/09, Gevorg Harutyunyan wrote:
>> Hi guys
>> I need to create file upload progress bar using PHP and AJAX. I found two
>> Pecl extensions that support that may be used: "uploadprogress" and
>> "php-apc".
>> I asked my shared hosting provider to add that extensions, but my request
>> was declined, because "uploadprogress" is still BETA version and "php-apc"
>> dont works
>> fine with Fast-CGI version of PHP.
>> Had you similar problem or do you know how else can I track upload
>> progress?
> Gevorg:
> I'm sure this isn't the answer you want, but I went that route several
> times and never found a better solution than this:
> Throw up a "wait" graphic and allow the process to take it's course without
> intervention.
> If you want to programmatically determine over time how much of the file
> has been uploaded and update a progress bar, then you're in for quite the
> learning experience.
> Cheers,
> tedd
> PS: After everything is said and done, you may steal any of the graphics I
> provide above -- I stole them fair and square myself. Number 39 is not a
> wait graphic, it just assumed me.
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