Peter Ford wrote:
PJ wrote:
Per Jessen wrote:
PJ wrote:

forgot to add:
What's the difference between back ticks or quotes and regular single
text in back ticks is executed via a shell, text in single quotes isn't.
Ok, but how does this relate to a command passed from a php Web page?
I don't understand the processus.
I use bash on my FreeBSD and have not needed a back quote yet that I can
recall... and on WinXP?

In your bash shell, you can use backticks in a similar way to how PHP uses them
- to assign the output of a command to a variable. For example:

LIST=`find . -name '*.php'`

will fill up the shell variable $LIST with all the files with extension .php
below the current directory.
You could then do something with that variable, like

for FILE in $LIST
        cp $FILE $FILE.bak

which works as long as you can guarantee that none your file names contain spaces ... ;)

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