On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 6:16 AM, Gary <gwp...@ptd.net> wrote:

> Jochem
> Thanks for your reply, the project seven and DW was just for a point of
> information, same as if you have an issue with a computer you generally
> find
> it a good idea to list your operating system and other pertinent facts.

What Jochem told is true, IDEs like DW is good for mainly designers but
could be a feeder for a matured man (coder).
For IDE I support using something like Netbeans PDT.

> I had coded the scripts and files by hand.

The way you asked about the files you included reflects you have some basic
lack of understanding of the way they should look like /organized(not
intended any slightest offense). But this discussion would open your eyes.
The file where your include other files is rendered as a single HTML file
so, think in that way, it would be just easy to understand.

> The file was not on the server and it did not point back to my hard drive,
> it was hand coded and not uploaded to the server, which is why it was
> curious.

Yes this curiosity is really helpful. As I mentioned about the intrusion
probability this way. Try collecting the ZCE exam Guide and you can study
the 'Security'  Chapter there.

> "Jochem Maas" <joc...@iamjochem.com> wrote in message
> news:49b6fddd.20...@iamjochem.com...
> > Gary schreef:
> >> I'm sorry you were not able to understand the questions, but thank you
> >> for
> >> trying.
> >
> > a few tips:
> >
> > 1. don't assume people know what 'projectseven PMM'
> > 2. it's doubtful anyone worth their salt on this list uses or
> > knows much about a mind-bending, soul-destroyer like DreamWeaver.
> > 3. try your hand at building a page by hand using a simple text editor
> > and copious ammounts of searching/reading about HTML structure ... doing
> > it this way will help you to understand what goes wrong and why, when
> > DW tries to 'help you'.
> >
> >
> >
> >> The path to the include is not an absolute path.
> >
> > then it is on the server, somewhere on your php include_path.
> >
> >> "Jochem Maas" <joc...@iamjochem.com> wrote in message
> >> news:49b6b6d8.7050...@iamjochem.com...
> >>> Gary schreef:
> >>>> Thanks again for all the help.
> >>>>
> >>>> I created a simple page of all includes (header, menu, 3 columns).  I
> >>>> mixed
> >>>> the file types up. The menu (projectseven PMM) I saved as a library
> >>>> item,
> >>>> works fine.  Had an HTML file in there, but I am guessing that having
> 2
> >>>> page
> >>>> declarations along with an extra set of <head> and <body> tags was
> >>>> playing
> >>>> havoc with the code, so I removed them. Same thing when I created a
> php
> >>>> page
> >>>> and saved it as filename.inc.php, so I removed all the declarations
> and
> >>>> tags, again seems to work fine. Also included a simple .txt file.
> >>>>
> >>>> I did get some strange results in that all of the <tags> were
> >>>> highlighted
> >>>> after the menu, and I had to remove and insert again to correct.
> >>>>
> >>>> So is this the best way, to create a php page, remove all of the html
> >>>> tags
> >>>> and page declarations and name it filename.inc.php? (I'm using DW CS3)
> >>> I'm quite sure I don't understand any of that ... so I'd hazard a guess
> >>> and so "no it's not the best way"
> >>>
> >>>> Also, something I do not understand, I included a small txt file in a
> >>>> page
> >>>> of a customer and it shows fine, however this file is not on the
> >>>> server...is
> >>>> this normal?
> >>>>
> >>> it's probably pointing to a file on your machine, e.g.
> >>> file://C:/path/to/file.txt,
> >>> that's something you see quite often with DW/FrontPage/<insert
> >>> WYSIWYG-PITA-editor here>.
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> --
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