On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 8:30 AM, Jochem Maas <joc...@iamjochem.com> wrote:
> Christoph Boget schreef:
>>>> Backslash? Seriously? I'm hurt that my suggestion of "¬" (ASCII170 ?)
>>>> wasn't used. :-(
>>> Backslash doesn't sound like it will look very pretty
>> Windows and DOS have been getting away with it for the last 25+ years
>> so why can't PHP get in on that action? :P
>> Though I have read the explanation (many, many times) and I still
>> don't understand why '::' wasn't used.  MyClass::MyStaticMethod is
>> utilizing namespacing.
> it's a serious brain hemoraging affair, I had the honour of digging quite
> deep into this with Greg Beaver ... he proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that
> there we're serious issues ... and trust me he really delved deep into the 
> problem
> (and he's way smarter than *most*)
> we're lucky he put in the work.
>> Why it was felt that '::' as the official
>> namespace operator would mess that up is beyond my ken. :(
>> thnx,
>> Christoph
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I think you fell for the bait. :)

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