hi andrew i think you understand my problem a little,
but if 100 user load this query at the same time, the two mysql server had a lot to do! so i think to cache this query as xml to the application server local make thinks faster, but, i would like to have the same performance to read this xml document as read the query from mysql server...
i dont know why php is so slow to read the xml file...

Are you saving to file or caching as a query result?
Also note that you can cache an array of rows (at least with APC but I suspect memcache as well) - say my_fetch(key) is you function to fetch from cache and my_store(key,data,life) is your function to store.

$result = my_fetch('big_query');
if (! $result) {
  $sql = 'your query';
  $rs = mysql_query($sql);
  while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($rs)) {
     $result[] = $row;

No xml involved and you can loop through the results.

If you'd rather do it as xml, you can cache the xml as a string and then fetch it, importing it into a DOM or whatever to extract your results.

$xml = my_fetch('queryResultAsXML');
if (! $xml) {
   generate xml and cache it
$dom = new DOMDocument('1.0','utf-8');

Not sure what you are doing, apoligize if these suggestions are useless or already considered.

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