On Jul 28, 2009, at 9:55 AM, Miller, Terion wrote:

On 7/28/09 8:52 AM, "Ashley Sheridan" <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote:

On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 06:46 -0700, Miller, Terion wrote:

On 7/28/09 8:44 AM, "Ashley Sheridan" <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote:

On Tue, 2009-07-28 at 09:42 -0400, Miller, Terion wrote:

On 7/28/09 8:35 AM, "Ashley Sheridan" <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote:

$pastDays = strtotime("-30 days");
$date = date("d/m/y", $pastDays);

Well I tried and got no results from my query and I know there results with date ranges in the last 30 days, I basically need to count backward from now() 30 days I thought strtotime() would work well..but the fields in the db are varchar not date fields they are all formatted the same though 00/00/00:

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT restaurants.ID, name, address, inDate FROM restaurants, inspections WHERE restaurants.name != '' AND inspections.inDate <= $date GROUP BY restaurants.ID ORDER BY 'name' ";

I believe the query is suspect. From memory, don't you need to enclose
dates in single quotes in MySQL statements? Also, I believe it uses
American data format, so you might have to put the month before the day
like was in Richards example.


Ah ha bet that's it didn't notice the euro/brit date formatting there. Lol thanks guys!

Euro/Brit date formatting? Nah, it's proper data formatting, not what you crazy Yanks do! ;)


LOL I know we yanks bastardize everything...anyways it still didn't work...argh...so the boss thought he'd give me something harder...lovely, now I have to figure out how to reverse publish things to quark....get ready guys I may be blowing the list up soon with questions (like I don't already)

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You can also do this right within MySQL without needing to create a variable. This should work: $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT restaurants.ID, name, address, inDate FROM restaurants, inspections WHERE restaurants.name != '' AND datediff(curdate(),inspections.inDate)>=30 GROUP BY restaurants.ID ORDER BY 'name' ";

Take care,

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