On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 13:29 -0400, Israel Ekpo wrote:

> What about the error
> libphp5.so: undefined symbol: OnUpdateLong
> Are you still observing that error?
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 1:23 PM, Ashley Sheridan
> <a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk>wrote:
> >  On Fri, 2009-10-23 at 13:19 -0400, Israel Ekpo wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >  On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 11:54 AM, Ashley Sheridan <
> > a...@ashleysheridan.co.uk> wrote:
> >
> > Hiya,
> >
> > I know this isn't the best place to ask, but I figured enough people
> > here would have at some point installed PHP on some Linux variant, and
> > I'm hoping that some of you may have even done it on Fedora 11.
> >
> > I'm using the built in gui package manager in Fedora (kpackagekit) to
> > install php, mysql and php-mysql. I let it resolve the dependencies and
> > install, but phpMyAdmin refuses to connect to the Mysql database with
> > the default username and password (root, no password) even though I can
> > successfully connect to plain old Mysql over the command line with
> > "mysql -u root -p"
> >
> > I thought it was some problem with the built in repositories, so I
> > attempted to build PHP from source, and after sorting out the
> > dependencies manually, I got PHP installed and working from the command
> > line. However, when I try to start httpd up again, it gives me the
> > following error:
> >
> > libphp5.so: undefined symbol: OnUpdateLong
> >
> > I ran a nm command against the libphp5.so file, and the first line is "
> > U OnUpdateLong" (intentional spaces there)
> >
> > Has anyone come across either of these problems and do you know of a way
> > to overcome either one? All I need really is a way to get it working, so
> > don't mind whether it's via the GUI or the command line!
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ash
> > http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Hi Ashey,
> >
> > What version of PHP did you compile?
> >
> > What were your ./configure options?
> >
> > It looks like the php source is using OnUpdateLong but the source file
> > containing OnUpdateLong is not included or linked properly.
> >
> > I have ran into this kind of problem before.
> > --
> > "Good Enough" is not good enough.
> > To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift.
> > Quality First. Measure Twice. Cut Once.
> >
> >
> > I've actually got some steps closer to figuring out the problem. It seems
> > that the connection between PHP and MySQL was fine, it just refused a
> > connection as root. If I create another user it connects via phpMyAdmin just
> > fine.
> >
> > The thing now is figuring out either how to get it to connect as root (it
> > currently keeps refusing root) or create another user with all the
> > privileges of root so I can connect with that. As of yet I haven't been able
> > to figure out either!
> >
> >
> >   Thanks,
> > Ash
> > http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk
> >
> >
> >

Well, I'm not compiling from the source now, I went back to trying to
use the Fedora repositories (which was the only reason I ended up trying
to compile from source in the first place)


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