At 10:04 PM +0100 4/13/10, Nathan Rixham wrote:
Robert Cummings wrote:
 > Nathan Rixham wrote:

 > Fail on that last one. -1 is not equivalent to FALSE :B

well that's one job I'm not getting :p

cheers for the picking that one up Rob

And that's the reason why I hate test like that!

The short tricky logic questions that interviewer's use to be clever are just nonsense.

I'll take someone who can solve a problem over one who can argue true/false logic tables every time. Not meaning that people who come natural to that sort of logic solving ability do not make good programmers (because they can -- like Rob), but rather people who fail those types of logic questions do NOT also fail to be good programmers (like me). It's similar to the Tortoise and Hare thing -- it really doesn't make any difference who gets there first for both can run the distance.

I don't think those types of logic puzzles do much to measure anything other than people's ability to solve logic puzzles. IMO, it's interviewers "leap of faith" to think logic puzzles are a good indicator of programming prowess. To many of us, programming is just doing over until it works.




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