At 4:31 PM +0200 4/27/10, Peter Lind wrote:
While I love to rant at stupid users, the truth is probably that
programmers are the ones who should take courses in how users think.
In the end, if I fail to understand my users, it doesn't matter how
great my program is: they'll still fail to use it. Anyway, those are
just truisms :) Nothing new under the sun.



You're right on. I just read three books on the subject:

1. "Don't Make Me Think" by Steve Krug.

This is a somewhat dated book, but his perspective is "right-on" and is the basis for understanding usability.

2. "Neuro Web Design" bu Susan M. Weinschenk".

The theory behind why people do what they do is explained in great detail in this book. It makes a great book to read regardless of if you're trying to sell something on the net or elsewhere. However, this book is focused on selling things to people via the net.

3. "Rocket Surgery Made Easy" by Steve Krug.

This is the second book in Steve's "How to do it yourself" in usability studies. It will give you exactly what you need to do to set up inexpensive usability studies. Usability studies are important in software and web design.

If developers (and clients) read those books, we would have less problems dealing with users.



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