2010/7/27 Dušan Novaković <ndu...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> so when I'm sending the array to model it's like this:
> $fp = fopen(INVOICE_PATH.date('Y-m-d').DS.$pdfName, "r");
> $pdfContent             = array(
>                                        'file'  =>      
> base64_encode(fread($fp,
> filesize(INVOICE_PATH.date('Y-m-d').DS.$pdfName))),
>                                        'name'  =>      $pdfName,
>                                        'size'  =>      
> filesize(INVOICE_PATH.date('Y-m-d').DS.$pdfName),
>                                        'type'  =>      
> mime_content_type(INVOICE_PATH.date('Y-m-d').DS.$pdfName)
>                                        );
> fclose($fp);
> so the data in db are ok, and this type is application/pdf.
> And when I'm getting data, I get the array like this:
> $file = Array
> (
>    [id] => 2
>    [file] =>VBERi0xLjM... <= here file is base64_encode()
>    [file_size] => 2204
>    [file_type] => application/pdf
>    [file_name] => 2_file.pdf
> )
> Headers:
> header("Content-length: ".$file['file_size']);
> header("Content-type: ".$file['file_type']);
> header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename= ".$file['file_name']);
> echo base64_decode($file['file']);
> So, mime looks ok, but still... not working :-(
> --
> mob: + 46 70 044 9432
> web: http://novakovicdusan.com
> Please consider the environment before printing this email.

Are you sure that you need Content-Disposition? Try removing that. I
think that's used only in emails (Correct me if I'm wrong).

Nilesh Govindarajan
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