On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 01:45:33PM -0500, Tim Martens wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> New to the list. Hello!
> I'm in the customer discovery phase for a Health IT web application concept
> I have. My programmer is new to web apps, but not to programming and is set
> up with LAM(PHP). We're still debating weather to use a framework or to go
> with Rasmus's "no framework framework" approach.

I have to echo Steven's comments. A framework makes certain things
easier. However, with a n00b programmer, it may well prevent them from
digging deeply into the language, because much of the work is done for
them by the framework. And Steven's right-- I've found with every single
framework I've ever used (going way back to my C language days), the
framework ultimately got in my way, to some extent or another. I end up
having to code around what the framework's doing to get done what I

Again, frameworks aren't bad. I use one. I use it because it's one I
wrote and suits my needs without getting in my way. I've tried to use it
in other environments, and it doesn't always work well in those
environments. But it works for the environment in which I code.


Paul M. Foster

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