At 12:21 PM -0400 9/19/10, TR Shaw wrote:
On Sep 19, 2010, at 11:45 AM, tedd wrote:

 At 6:56 PM -0400 9/17/10, TR Shaw wrote:
 On Sep 17, 2010, at 6:49 PM, Ashley Sheridan wrote:

 > At the end of the day, if you want to prevent people downloading your
 images, then just don't show them the image.

Actually you can. Serve up an image from the DB and add watermark or whatever on the fly for web browsers. If a user downloads (assuming that s/he bought the image or the image is a "freebie" ) the image comes from the DB directly to the user using download headers.


 Actually you can't.

Regardless of where the image comes from (DB or file), when the user see's the image, they have it.

You missed what I said:

orig file on server -> php that addes watermark when image is required by a browser -> browser accespts and displays image with watermark on it. Similar to you example.



Are you saying that all images shown to the user via a browser will have a watermark on them and if they get permission (i.e., pay for it) then they can have access to a link that will allow them to download the image? Is that what you are saying? If so, then why not say that?

Our points have been that browser download images -- period. If you want to protect your images, then you have to come up with a protection scheme other than simply using browsers to view the images.




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