i'm not sure i understand your problem ?!?

php runs on the server, delivers html code and/or javascript to the browser
and only from there the jQuery will execute it's main loop and start trigger
some events such as the ready event.  So the php script is always finish
when javascript start to execute ...

On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 12:18, Nathan Rixham <nrix...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Richard Sharp wrote:
>> I have been banging my head trying to figure out how to delay
>> $(document).ready() command until my php script finish running and load
>> data into a csv file.  Any ideas
> *which* PHP script? are you returning an HTML document then keeping the
> script going in the background, /or/ are you requesting another script (by
> js, clicking a link, posting a form), /or/?
> I know it's a jQuery question, but it might be a PHP related gotcha.
> --
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