On Mon, 2011-05-02 at 18:43 +0100, Adam Preece wrote:

> Hi,
> sure i will try to be more specific.
> > Is each page a standalone one based on a template that just allows the main 
> > content to be changed?
> yes.
> > Is a page made up of several snippets?
> could be, depends on what has to be done.
> > Does the CMS save out the final HTML page, or does it store just the 
> > content in a DB to insert into a page at runtime when requested?
> and it will just store the content in the db and insert into page at runtime 
> when requested.
> the overall system i would like to achieve, is a simple, clean, CRUD , manage 
> users, set user access (admin, super_user etc), add pages, newsletter 
> functionality, latest news, and anything else that might be nice to create 
> for it.
> my target audience, are people who are not coders, just people that would 
> like to manage there content with ease.
> oh and i'm trying to build it all in OOP too.
> hope this is a better explanation for you guys.
> cheers
> On 2 May 2011, at 18:12, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
> > On Mon, 2011-05-02 at 17:59 +0100, Adam Preece wrote:
> >> 
> >> Hi,
> >> 
> >> im building a cms and im currently thinking of a way to build an add page 
> >> function.
> >> 
> >> any one got some ideas on the best way to achieve this?
> >> 
> >> cheers
> > 
> > 
> > That's a bit of an open question, and there are several things that need to 
> > be answered first:
> > 
> > Is each page a standalone one based on a template that just allows the main 
> > content to be changed?
> > Is a page made up of several snippets?
> > Does the CMS save out the final HTML page, or does it store just the 
> > content in a DB to insert into a page at runtime when requested?
> > 
> > A CMS can be a pretty big build, and needs a lot of thought to get right. 
> > It depends on your requirements and who it's going to be used by. ~Are you 
> > able to be a bit more specific about your question so we can be more 
> > specific with our answers?
> > 
> > -- 
> > Thanks,
> > Ash
> > http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk
> > 
> > 

Well, that's essentially still pretty vague, as those are generally the
requirements of most CMS's out there. What's wrong with using an
existing system and building upon that? Something like WordPress is
pretty user friendly and easy to code for. If you're asking a list about
how to add a page, then it suggests that maybe this project is too big
for you alone. I don't mean that in any disparaging way, but these
systems are deceptively complex.

What about a simple template-type system with each page using a template
of modules. A module could be something like a simple static article, or
more complex, like a gallery. Each template defines the type of content
that appears on it. When adding a new page, select from a template and
it pulls in the various modules as required to build a page.

It might be worth looking at a lot of existing systems and see how they
tackle the issue, as each one takes a slightly different approach, and
it could be that one is closer than the others to what you want and you
can use the general idea to build your own.


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