On Jun 18, 2011, at 11:54 AM, "Ron Piggott" <ron.pigg...@actsministries.org> 

> <INPUT TYPE="image" 
> SRC="http://www.theverseoftheday.info/store-images/trash_can.png"; WIDTH="20"  
> HEIGHT="20" style="float: right;boarder: 0;" alt="Remove Product From 
> Shopping Cart" name="remove_product" value="1" />

I would wrap the image in a link like so:
<a href="mypage.php?id={$autoincrementnum}"><img src="blah"></a>

And then have a get look for that variable:


If (isset($id)) {

//delete code here

Check all that before you run it.... I'm writing from my smart phone and it's 
all untested. Hopefully it gives you a start though. 

Jason Pruim 

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