On Sun, 2011-06-26 at 10:29 -0500, Tamara Temple wrote:

> On Jun 25, 2011, at 3:57 PM, asp kiddy wrote:
> > SELECT td.id_resultat,td.fld_email_id,email.fld_name_email
> >  FROM $table_db td
> >  JOIN $table_db_email email ON td.fld_email_id = email.id_email
> > WHERE td.id_resultat = $id
> I see two small problems right away:
>  > FROM $table_db td
> should read:
> FROM $table_db AS td
> and:
>  > JOIN $table_db_email email
> should read
> JOIN $table_db_email AS email
> Maybe that's it?

I don't think that MySQL requires the 'AS' in that context, I write
queries like that without the 'AS' all the time.


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