On 11-07-05 09:40 AM, Dajka Tamas wrote:
Hi all,

I've bumped into an interesting thing with foreach. I really don't know, if
this is normal working, or why it is, so I got curious.

The script:

foreach ( $cats as&$c ) {

                echo $c['id'];

                if ( $c['id']<  5 ) {


                               $cats[] = $c;



That's a bizarre loop... you're feeding references to elements of the array back into the array over which the loop is iterating. If you REALLY want to do what you are doing, then do the following:


foreach( array_keys( $cats ) as $key )
    $c = &$cats[$key];

    echo $c['id'];

    if( $c['id'] < 5 )
        $cats[] = $c;


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