On Tue, Jul 05, 2011 at 10:48:34AM -0400, Jim Giner wrote:

> And besides - I'm sure there are PLENTY of people here who despise scrolling 
> thru endless repeated paragraphs from a long list of posts just to get the 
> the latest contribution to the topic.    :)
> This newgroup may have its rules, but if bottom-posting was such a wise and 
> preferred method, why do millions of business users subscribe to a product 
> such as Outlook, that top-posts by default, to conduct their daily business 
> via emails flying back and forth with the latest post at the beginning so 
> that readers don't have to re-hash old news unless they want to? 

Seriously? That behavior is dictated by Microsoft and could be simply a
shortcut, making it easier on Microsoft. (They don't have to scan down
the email and place the cursor at the end of the email. They can just
put it at the top, easy-peasy.) Or it could have been dictated by Bill
Gates, who didn't want to scroll down. One thing's for sure: Microsoft's
rarely met a standard they liked or willingly followed. Business users
simply went along with this behavior, mostly because they had no
knowledge of anything else. It was the default behavior of the only
email client that came with their operating system. They learned to live
with it and even appreciate it.

My point is, I seriously doubt that business users (who were not the
original target audience for Outlook) dictated to Microsoft that they
arrange their email client so that the cursor defaulted to the top. And
by many accounts, Outlook (et al) is an appalling broken email client
for many reasons. Business users don't "subscribe" to the Microsoft
email client. It comes with their operating system for free and it
pretty much does what they want, even if it has gaping holes in it. Why
retrain and spend billions to install something else on every computer
in their company?

A similar question might be, if Unix/Linux is so great, why do millions
of business owners stick with Windows year after year? Answer: because
it comes with their computer and pretty much does what they want. And
Microsoft actively blocks, discourages and prevents the installation of
any other operating system on hardware from anyone they can possibly

Questioning bottom-posting is one thing. Holding up the widespread
adoption of Outlook as a reason why top-posting is superior (because
business people demand it) is silly. No offense, but it's pretty weak


Paul M. Foster

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