Hi all. Had a meeting today where I was rather condescendingly told 
that most CMS web sites use SharePoint. Last I checked:


Wordpress, Joomla! and Drupal (PHP, PHP and oh look, PHP) kind of had the CMS 
market wrapped up, with numerous other systems fighting for the remains. In 
fact, I don't see SharePoint even listed at the above link.

        Any stats on (warning - buzzwords ahead) "External-facing" web sites 
using SharePoint?

        At $$$ for the required server software, compared to <$ for just about 
anything PHP-based, can only imagine companies using SharePoint must have their 
IT department in charge of the web site. Am sure it's fine as an internal 
project management tool, but am very concerned when other developers tell me to 
run away from anyone who chooses to use SharePoint on anything public.

George Langley
Interactive Developer
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