On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Tedd Sperling <tedd.sperl...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Oct 21, 2011, at 12:27 PM, Daniel Brown wrote:
> >    I'll get this week's Friday distraction kicked off here with
> > something shared with me by a Facebook friend.  If you're on Facebook,
> > try this.  It's pretty sweet (and safe for work and kids).
> >
> >        http://www.takethislollipop.com/
> >
> > --
> > </Daniel P. Brown>
> Not meaning to be ignorant, but why?
> What's the point here?
> I have grandkids and about a dozen other species of relatives/friends
> trying to get me to do stuff (i.e., like/friend/post/reply/accept) on
> FaceBook et al, but I don't see the point. It looks like a total waste of
> time. Why should I care if someone post something on their FaceBook account?
> I would rather spend my time programming, teaching programming, and reading
> about programming.
> Maybe I'm just getting too old for this stuff.
> Cheers,
> tedd

tedd, even older folks are getting on there these days.  sure there are lame
aspects as there are w/ just about anything; but it is a nice way to stay in
touch w/ folks youd probly otherwise have lost touch w/.  my 2c.


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