On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 2:19 PM, Helmut Tessarek <tessa...@evermeet.cx> wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
> I wanted to get an answer to my question (which you would have seen, if you
> actually had read the mail).

    I briefly glanced, and no more, because anyone with any idea of
Internet etiquette knows not to forward an entire bunch of junk to a
public and wholly-unrelated mailing list.  Had you considered the
appropriate options, such as reading about how to contact us, you'd
have gotten a response.  Note that the tone of your reply here has
already changed the tenor of this entire discussion now.

> I got a mail that messages bounced from my mail server. So I sent a reply to
> the list owner to get an explanation how this is possible, since my mail
> server only rejects mails which are flagged by the clamav milter (and this did
> not happen). But then, instead of an answer, I got an automated response,
> which basically means only one thing: I don't give a damn about your problems
> and buzz off. Mailing list owners are supposed to be real people, not bots.

    And, for the most part, we are (save for a few sentient androids).
 However, go to news.php.net and look at those bounce messages.  Note
it's all consecutive, within a relatively small window of time.  Then,
using your own suggestion about reading the email, look at the bounce
response: the messages were undeliverable up to a time threshold, when
the server gave up.  Sounds like there was an issue connecting to your
SMTP system during that window.  If you have the appropriate access,
you might want to review your mail logs during this window.

> I'm sorry, I was really irritated by this automated respone. It is not very
> professional sending people to go in circles.

    Well, as the adage goes, you'll catch more flies with honey than
with vinegar.  And considering this is the very first message I've
ever seen from you, it sounds like either (a) you didn't follow the
proper protocol, or (b) there's something in the process we need to
review.  If you think the issue lies on our end, you can submit a bug
at https://bugs.php.net/ and detail the steps to reproduce the issue.
If it is indeed something we need to correct, believe me, we will.  We
don't deliberately attempt to mislead or frustrate people, despite how
it might have seemed.

</Daniel P. Brown>
Network Infrastructure Manager

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