
Am 24.06.2013 18:17, schrieb Maciek Sokolewicz:
> On 24-6-2013 14:27, wrote:
>> You should give a complete programm so we can run exactly
>> the same you do, like this:
>> <?php
>> $item_amount_in_store = 223;
>> print ("$item_amount_in_store");
> Please please please please don't do this!
> First of all, I don't know why you would use the print *function* when
> you can also use the echo language construct (better and faster). But
> that's not that important; it's not bad to use it, just imo a bit ugly
> (pet peeve ;)).
> But more importantly:
> "$variable" is completely and utterly useless. You're basically creating
> a string, interpolating a variable in it, and adding no more content.
> This is effectively the same as saying:
> print("".$var."")
> Does that look right to you? To me it looks... wrong...
> Why not just a simple:
> echo $var;
> or
> print($var) if you really must.
> And if you really really must cast the variable to a string, you can
> always use the explicit:
> (string) $var
>> $update_amount = 7;
>> $item_amount_in_store += $update_amount;
>> print (" + $update_amount = $item_amount_in_store  ");
>> ?>
>> which gives this result:
>> 223 + 7 = 230

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