> a:4:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"2";i:2;s:1:"3";i:3;s:1:"
> When I output this to the screen I get the same as above. But when I
> try to echo the unserialized result I get nothing. I am using:
>     echo $db_result->lists_actual (nothing is returned)

Show more code...  Also use "View Source" in your browser to see what you
are *REALLY* getting.

> If I try to display the result using foreach I get the warning
> "Invalid argument supplied for foreach()". I am using:
>     $array = unserialize($db_result->lists_actual);
>     foreach($array AS $val) {
>         echo $val;
>     };
> I hope the problem is clear, I am thoroughly confused at this stage! I
> should admit that I am only just getting used to arrays...

What is the datatype of your lists_actual field in your database?

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