At 05.08.2001 12:49, Coconut Ming wrote:
>   I am having the problem in the coding below
>mysql_connect('localhost','123','123') or die ("Unable to connect to SQL
>mysql_select_db('Helpwatch') or die ("Unable to select database");
>$temp = $username."watch";
>$watchlist_query = mysql_query("Create Table "$temp"(WId int Not Null
>auto_increment, QId int not null, Primary Key (WId));");
>but I can't do that.. Because of the syntax error, the coding I have
>underline is where the parser told me that is an error there.
>I have playing around with it for 2 hours and more... but I cant solve
>it.. Anyway help is greatly appreciated.
>Thanks in advance.

Your underlining doesn't show verywell in plain text, but anyhow, your
line $watchlist_query ... is missing to .'s...

Create Table "$temp", should be Create Table " . $temp . ", that way you'll
concatenate the string in the way you want them to (and the code should work).

Andreas D Landmark / noXtension
Real Time, adj.:
         Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only occurs there
and then.

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