At 06.08.2001 10:31, you wrote:
>    I just wanna laugh.... really want to laugh .... WUWUAHAHAHAHAHA
>    I have figure out the solution amazingly! here will be the code I am 
> running

it works without separating the code if you add the ; at the end of the
$temp = $username."watch" line...

>mysql_connect('localhost','coconut','tkming') or die ("Unable to connect 
>to SQL
>mysql_select_db('helpwatch') or die ("Unable to select database");
>$temp = $username."watch"
>$watchlist_query = mysql_query( "Create Table ".$temp." ( WId int 
>not null, QId int not null, Primary Key (WId) )" )  or die ("Error! Cannot
>create table !" . mysql_error() );

Andreas D Landmark / noXtension
Real Time, adj.:
         Here and now, as opposed to fake time, which only occurs there
and then.

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