
Best way i guess would be traverse the whole string and check for space.
Have a counter var which keeps count of the space. At the 25th occurence do
something like this -

$text_a = substr($text, 1, $i);

i assume that $i is the increment var in the loop.

$text_b = substr($text, $i+1);

This should give u the strings in 2 vars.

Now u can add anything with $text_a."...Click here ".$text_b

Hope i was helpful,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Justin French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 10:27 AM
Subject: [PHP] splitting text after 25 words

> Hi all,
> I'd like to split a text block at 25 words, as a teaser for the full
> article.  Now I know how to split at a certain character, but i don't
> want a half word or anything, so I want (i guess) to hunt for the 25th
> occurence of " " (a space), and split $text into two new variables,
> $text_a and $text_b.
> Then I'll prolly want append something like "... click here to read
> more" on the end of $text_a.
> Seems easy enough, but I can't see anything in the manual about
> splitting on a numbered occurence of a string (but I could be looking
> in the wrong spot :)
> Running PHP4 BTW
> Thanks heaps in advance
> Justin French
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