I would have to say it depends on the Timeline of your Boss.
Releasing the app to the open source community would be great, the more
there is, the more reason for people to stop using MS, but you can't demand
a schedule of when new features will be added.
You may have to go with the MS for now, and wait for your app to be
developed with the new features, then convince your boss on moving to your
software. You should be able to move all the data from one to the other
without to much trouble.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jay Paulson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2001 1:39 PM
Subject: [PHP] Need open source community help!

> Hello everyone-
> (skip to the *****'s to see the questions if you don't want to read all of
> this thanks)
> This might be a little off topic here but I really need some help and a
> great opionion on this matter.  Here's the situation, I have created this
> software in php and mysql.  What it is is it has user authetification,
> calendar for several web sites, a personal calendar for each user of the
> calendar, and a company calendar.  I'm hoping that I can get to a point
> to release this under the gpl and have the open source community help
> develope the software, if they wish.
> What I'm using this software for... The company I work for only has one
> developer (me :) ) and they have 6 web sites they want done.  So what I
> done is created this software so that I can enter all the employee's of
> company and then give them access to the sections they need.  For example,
> human resources has access to add new employee's, delete employee's, and
> update employee's information.  The average user has access to a personal
> calendar in which they can add events give the event a time, a name, and a
> description.  Also, the average user has the ablity to chance certain
> about their own profile.. i.e. address, phone #s etc.
> Now people who I give access can have access to the event calendars for
> website and they will be able to add events, delete events, and update
> events.  The options when adding an event is the event name, the category
> the event (i.e. concert, on location promo etc), where the event is being
> held, the person to contact for the event, time of the event, price of the
> event, the description of the event, and an option to either show the
> on the web or not.
> Also, the admin has the ability to add new "modules" to the software and
> then give access to whomever he/she see needs access to it.   Lastly,
> is a huge help file that is generated dynamically when you add these new
> "modules."
> (sorry about the lenght of this but it's necessary)
> Now here's the evil twist of fate...
> There's a company who has some calendar software that has a TON of
> that I don't have in my software (as of yet).  However, they are a total
> Microsoft shop running all their code in VB, ASP, and their DB is MSSQL 7.
> I really don't like the fact that they use Microsoft because I am going to
> be the one to administer the box this is going to be running on (would
> rather run unix set it up once and leave it alone, unlike Microsoft where
> you have to babysit the damn thing).
> Now I've been talking with these people and they pretty much refuse to
> any of their code to php, mysql, or any varient of unix because it
> be cost effective to them right now (they said that they might do it later
> when they can hire a team to convert all the code over to it).
> Here's the thing.. I've been working on this software for about 4 months
> so I really want to use it, but the big guns here in the company want to
> this other ASP Microsoft stuff that has a ton more features.  If we go
> ASP crap, I'm going to have to learn ASP and VB (I'm assuming most DB's
> the same so learning MSSQL 7 wouldn't be too hard) and I'm going to have
> babysit the Win2k server, which is something else I don't want to do.
> *****
> So with all this said I'm wondering just how welcome you think this
> would be in the open source community?  Is there a need for something like
> have and am still developing?  Do you all think that I could get some more
> developers to work on this software to make it even more powerful than it
> now?
> The reason why I ask these qestions is I don't want to go with Micro$oft,
> throw away 4 months of work, and have to learn entirely new stuff.
> Any suggestions or help would be great!
> Thanks SO much!
> Jay Paulson
> Internet Program Director
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