On Thu, 30 Aug 2001 09:35, Gerard Samuel wrote:
> Hey all.  I just started venturing into functions.  I have a function
> that displays a form, but I have a problem with getting the multiple
> strings back after the submit.  Im tryed a return statement at the
> bottom of the function, but it cannot take more than one string.  I
> tried turning the array into a string and returning just the string
> made sure that the string name was in the global list, still no luck.
> Is it even possible to return mulitple values from a function?? Thanks

You can only return one variable from a function, but that variable can 
be an array.

This is probably obvious, but you are assigning the result of the 
function to a variable? Eg

$result = my_function($my_parameter, $my_parameter);

David Robley      Techno-JoaT, Web Maintainer, Mail List Admin, etc

   "I'm single," Tom said wanly.

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