Hi peke:
May be you can try with a hidden "state" field in the form. I think it 
can be faster and more compatible because you don't need to load the 
session support.

<input type = "hidden" name="state" value="<?=$MyVar?>">

Pekesan wrote:

> Hi...
> I have a php url on wich in some steps through several forms (on the same 
> url) I do some interaction with DB. I have a session variable with the step I 
> am currently doing.
> For example
> session_start();
> if (!session_is_registered("MyVar")) 
> {
>       session_register("MyVar");
>       $MyVar="Second Time";
>       //Do some stuff
>       //Show a form with the same url in action 
> }
> elseif ($MyVar="Second Time)
> {
>       //Do some stuff with the previous form data
>       //Show a form with the same url in action 
>       $MyVar="Third Time";
> }
> elseif ($MyVar="Third Time")
> {
>       //Do some stuff with previous form data
>       session_unregister("MyVar");
>       //link to the main page
> }
> The problem appears when the client-user use reload on the browser. The 
> aplication goes on to the next step without the form data. 
> My question are:
>       Is there any way to go back to the fisrt step when a user makes a reload?
>       Does anybody know another idea to manage this kind of work?
> Thank in advance

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