On Mon,  3 Sep 2001 13:18, Ashlyn wrote:
> I am using a downloaded PHP sitesearch script and can not get it to
> read the page contents past the style sheet..
> If I search a text file it will give me the contents exactly as I wish,
> but if I search a html document it only gives me the page title and
> site links..
> The page in question is at
> http://www.themysticmoon.com/booksfiles/search.php and if you type in
> conway it will show you exactly what I mean. First listing is html
> page, second is text... I need it to look like second listing..
> In the readme file it said to
> "When using CSS and Javascript make sure you enclose it in comments or
> place it in an external file, otherwise the indexer will index it. "
> This is way over the top of my head...I am using a linked stylesheet
> for the whole site..
> Any ideas gladly welcomed..
> Thanks
> Ashlyn

Well, without knowing more about your search engine, in your page

try referencing your stylesheet without a full URL. That is, use

<LINK REL=stylesheet HREF="/sitestyle.css" TYPE="text/css">

Oh, and I think your stylesheet has a specific font referenced which 
doesn't exist on my machine. Somehow I don't think the results are as you 
would like them to be :-)

David Robley      Techno-JoaT, Web Maintainer, Mail List Admin, etc

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