I dont' think you can do this, or that you would want to do this.  Library
items in Dreamweaver (as I understand it) are snippets of HTML that
Dreamweaver marks as updatable accross the entire site.  They are not
"included" into the HTML, dreamweaver keeps track of where they need to go,
then updates the entire HTML page.  The html page does not "include" the
library item, Dreamweaver handles updating the pages the library item

If you want to make your life easier familiarize the php developer(s) with
FastTemplate.  Check out:
for more information.

I hope this helps.

Robert Zwink

-----Original Message-----
From: George Whiffen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 10:40 AM
Subject: [PHP] php includes === Dreamweaver library items


Has anyone experience of using Dreamweaver library item files (.lbi)s as
php includes?

We've got a standard header and footer to go across all pages on a site with
the navigation etc.  We want both the designers, (using Dreamweaver), and
php programmers to have access to these includes, so that the Dreamweavers
view the pages automatically with the headers/footers shown, and the
can still maintain the pages and includes without Dreamweaver.

I don't fully understand how Dreamweaver library files work, so I guess my
questions are :

a) Can you use a url for a Dreamweaver libary file rather than using a local
so we can all share a single master copy?

b) Can we tell Dreamweaver to include the libary file's html when previewing
exclude it when saving, so we don't end up with the library code twice, once
embedded by
Dreamweaver on the save and once included by php at execution?  (I insist on
the live page
using the master version as I'm not prepared to trust the Dreamweavers to
rebuild the
pages when the library files change!)

I guess I've got workarounds if the answers to these prove negative.

For a) I can bully the Dreamweavers into keeping the master/local copies in
and for b) I guess I can get the php to strip out the Dreamweaver copy of
library code at execution with a little bit of spoofing of Dreamweaver about
php starts and ends i.e. something like....

<?php turn_into_an_include(<<<ENDLIBRARY

   dreamweaver library item tags and text


where turn_into_an_include is a function which just finds the library file
in the passed string of library code and includes it from the appropriate

Of course, this is a bit clumsy, any better suggestions?

Many thanks,



c) In the worst case I guess, we can live with local and master copies of
files and remind the Dreamweavers to always update the master when they make
changes get the php
to strip out the embedded library file html at execution time and replace it
an appropriate include statement of the server copy.  I've got an idea how
to do this by as anyone else tried this?

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