just print the following at the point where you decide you want to redirect:

<script language="JavaScript">

a better alternative is to send a redirection header with the response, but
this depends on you not sending any HTML output to the browser before
processing is complete:

header("Location: whereveryouwannago.php");
exit; // don't do any more processing after this redirect.

hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: Roy W [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 24 October 2001 14:39
Subject: [PHP] Opening a new page when done

I have several scripts that when you complete a form it executes a PHP

At the end of each script I have a simple statement saying it's done and
then a place to hyperlink back to a given page:

PRINT "Process complete. <a href=\"index.html\">Click here</a> to continue";

But what I really wanna do is just have the script code execute and when its
all done - just take the user automatically to "index.html" or some other

I know there's a command but cant seem to find it.  Thought it might be
"include()" but couldn't figure out my syntax


THANKS!!! :-)

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