I've got my names, web addresses etc. set up as Varchar and my telephone/fax
numbers as Bigint.  Special interests field as text.  Only other field in
the database is an auto increment number field.

"Michael Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Do those field names need single quotes too? Can't remember right now ...
> Are there any datatype problems (wrong kind of datatype for a field)?
> What about a semi-colon at the end?
> Mick
> On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, Payzillee wrote:
> > Hi, could anyone tell me what is wrong with this Insert query?   I get
> > 'Invalid query' error but I can't see the problem at all.  All the
> > match exactly what is in my database, it's all in lowercase too.
> >
> > Cheers.
> >
> > mysql_query ("INSERT INTO listserve (title, surname, forename,
> > org_name, address1, address2, address3, address4, city, region,
> > country, email, mob_phone, tel_number, fax_number, org_web_address,
> > personal_web_address, special_interests, date, time)
> >
> > VALUES ('$title', '$surname', '$forename', '$job_title', '$org_name',
> > '$address1', '$address2', '$address3', '$address4', '$city', '$region',
> > '$postal_code', '$country', '$email', '$mob_phone', '$tel_number',
> > '$fax_number', '$org_web_address', '$personal_web_address',
> > '$special_interests', '$date','$time')")
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> --
> ################################
> Michael Hall
> http://openlearningcommunity.org

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